Friday, March 21, 2014


By now you have probably heard of the BYOT activities that a few of my classrooms have been using. BYOt stands for "bring your own technology". As usual, the students stay head of us adults most of the time in the technology world. Since funding for Madison County Schools does not allow giving every student a computer like neighboring systems did last year, I have been researching and collaborating with other school systems that use the BYOT approach to student technology. I really think it will be better than a 1:1 program in the long run. So with that said, we have being giving it ago here at Hazel Green.  In addition, we have given the students an opportunity to use their cellphone during lunch just so they do it appropriately. I defined "appropriately" for the students the first week of school. They have done outstanding showing responsibility in maintaining appropriate use.

Due to our success, we have been able to getting funding with the help of Legislator Phil Williams. We have maintained a wireless network for several years but it was designed mostly for staff. This new funding will give us the capabilities for the entire school to be online wirelessly. They just officially got everything complete so our wireless capacity will be around 6000 users if needed. So we should have plenty if every student and adult happen to be on the network at the same time.

The next phase will be how it will effect the teaching and learning environment. Do not get visions in your head of a student sitting with their cellphone or device all day from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Nothing ever will take the place of an effective teacher. These devices will be simply a powerful tool that the teacher can use within a lesson if they choose to do so. This could be 10 minutes or 90 minutes depending on the lesson and objective. This tool would be used to aid instruction just like a pen, calculator, compass, dictionary, encyclopedia, etc..

My goal is to improve instruction by providing the students a more meaningful experience. We are trying to get students ready for jobs that don't even exist yet. We have many challenges ahead of us as educators to bring a more relevant experience to the students. I know this BYOT program will do just that.

We decided to baby step the process from now until school is out to gain confidence in what we are doing. So your child could possibly be doing some of these types of activities in the last few months of school. We are planning professional development for the staff to better prepare out teachers for BYOT. Many staff members have expressed interest in using the summer months to gain confidence and develop ideas.

Less than 5% of our students do not have some type of device that they can bring to school. That fact is part of the planning and management for the staff. No student will get a lesser grade or not be able to participate in an activity if they don't have a device. We currently deal with students that do not have necessary school supplies for success everyday. The staff makes it happen so all of our students have a chance to be successful. BYOT will be the same.

The middle school will be starting some form of this in the near future so I expect BYOT to be a viable part of everyday learning in the near future.  I am sure Mr. Highfield will getting something out soon when they are ready.

I have found that "rule breaker" cellphone users will break the rules whether we use BYOT or not. I want to reward the students that are doing the right things. We deal with this small percentage of students who break the rules now and we will continue to do so during BYOT. Things like taking pictures, video, and phone calls will not be allowed. Using the device to disrupt the school day of course will be a discipline issue. Our school board policy states that I can search any electronic device if I have a reason to do so. This has been a good motivator for the kids because they don't want the principal in their most cherished item which is their phone. We have had no incidents since August at lunch as I implemented the use policy. I have been very proud of them.

We are just starting. I want to give the students a meaningful education experience. We have added career tech programs to compliment instruction and now the students will be able to use technology to help the learning process.

I will be happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have.We discussed this a few weeks ago at our rising 9th grade registration orientation night. I had lots of good feedback from the information shared.  

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