Thursday, December 19, 2013

How I Start Most Monday Mornings.

I like this audio by Dr. Kevin Elko because it is short and to the point. It gives me a few "nuggets" to take with me each day. About 4 min. 30 sec. of your time. I usually start my Monday mornings with this audio before I get up and going.

Friday, December 6, 2013

It is a happy Friday today at Hazel Green High School. I just walked out of one of our English classes and they were doing a BYOD project. Students love using the technology. It makes learning fun and relevant. Our attendance is good today which always correlates to higher achievement. Make-up work, missed work, and trying to play catch up with students that are absent always slows the entire school down. It is good to have the school full today. We started the day with a little rainy day accident in front of the school. It delayed a few students but most importantly everyone was ok. It is nice to have SRO Brian Smith on campus who was just a few minutes away to assist.

I receive word that our theatre students are doing great at the state competition at Troy University. Mr. Merritt's leadership is great with our students.

The superintendent notified me this week that we are going to get to add two additional BYOD classrooms this year with funding secured from our legislators. Because of HGHS pilot program, each Madison County High School with get funding for two classrooms. This was good news!! I am glad we could lead the way!!

We host Bob Jones tonight in basketball. I hope everyone will come out and support our teams. I view our athletic events as more than just a game. They are a great community events. Even if you don't like sports, it is fun just to come be a part of the crowd and school.

I have observed random acts of kindness this week by the staff and students. This always makes my week. Respect and helping others is the way to go!!

Monday, November 25, 2013

10 Things I am Thankful for at HGHS

1. A community where the school is important.
2. Students that are respectful. 
3. Staff that does the "extra" things that makes a school great. 
4. Parents and students that are willing to invest in themselves by working physically, financially, and supporting the vision of the school. 
5. A community member setting up a scholarship to give more kids a chance to go to college. 
6. Community churches that are always a phone call away when the school has a need. 
7. Parents I see picking up trash after ball games to keep our campus and facilities looking first class. 
8. Our student attendance this year being important to our community, parents, and students. 
9. The parents that follow the traffic and pick-up/drop-off routine because they understand it keeps our students safe. 
10. The students that are happy when they come to school.  

I could name many more, but here are just a few.  


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